Personal Goals for the New Year

By Zenparenting1 @ZenParenting1
Not a fan of the whole New Year's Resolutions business. I wouldn't even be doing this now if I hadn't seen it now. If I saw it 6 months ago, I would've done it then. I like it, I'm doing it. I don't, however, need a date on a calendar to tell me when things need to change.
via Pinterest (original source unknown)
All that being said, I present to you my personal goals for the upcoming year.
A bad habit I'm going to break: chewing my cuticles
A new skill I'd like to learn: sewing
A person I hope to be more like: my son
A good deed I'm going to do: anonymously hire a cleaning service for my mother-in-law
A place I'd like to visit: New Mexico
A book I'd like to read: A Game of Thrones
A letter I'm going to write: a love letter to my husband on our 5th anniversary
A new food I'd like to try: portobello mushrooms
I'm going to do better at: running
I'll keep myself accountable and keep you updated on my progress as the year goes on.
Do you make resolutions at the beginning of the year? What are yours?