Persona-Fluid Josie

By Vickilane

Her small self and mama have been enjoying a girls' weekend in Florida with friends. Claui reported back the following story: In the airport, someone asked Josie her name and she said it was Clara. (Ever since The Nutcracker, she's been Clara off and on.)  "Yes, that's what you like to call yourself," said Claui, "but what's your real name?" "Stephanie," said Josie (whose real name is Josephine Claire Skemp.) I'll be interested in finding out where that Stephanie came from. This persona fluidity may be an inherited quirk. Her uncle went through a spell of insisting that his name was Rover. And later that it was Reth. And I, when I was old enough to know better, begged my mother to legally change my name to Deirdre. Or Lillith.   The answer was no and I got over it. Looking forward to her small self's return tomorrow, whoever she is.