Perfect for Pots

By Mwillis
Last Autumn Jane won in a competition a pack (15 bulbs) of Sarah Raven's "Perfect for Pots" Tulips. It fell to me (of course) to grow them! They are just beginning to flower now, so here are some photos of them.

This is "Ronaldo", a really deep Burgundy red color.

This is "Jan Reus", a much redder one - a Merlot, perhaps?

The third variety is yet to show its true colours. It is "Flaming Spring Green", which is mostly white, with streaks of green and red. In my photo you can just see the red streaks beginning to show...

Four days later...

These are lovely flowers, but I have some reservations about the selection. I think the "Ronaldo" and "Jan Reus" ones are too similar. In my opinion, it would have been better to select completely different colours. Likewise, although these bulbs are supposed to flower in succession over an extended period, they have all come at more-or-less the same time, which is strange, and disappointing.