Patrick Guest Review: They Hate Pimples Concealer for Men

By Makeupchicliterarygeek @DoriaJM

3 They Hate Pimples shades clockwise from the top: Pale Ale, Medium Lager, Amber Ale

Now and again I'm approached by companies that would like a male opinion on a product or service, which Patrick is all too happy to be a good sport and provide! Recently we were approached about a brand that creates concealer made specifically for men. While you ladies won't turn to lumberjacks by using it, everything from its packaging to the content on the site is geared towards men. It also includes tea tree oil in the formula, which is great for helping to clear up blemishes.

Keep in mind, these formulas do include paraffin and petrolatum so if you're not a fan of petroleum you may not want to use these.

Patrick attempted to put this on himself, but this being the first time he's ever worked with concealer, he did require a little additional instruction/assistance. Patrick is fortunate and does not often have blemishes or issues with his skin, so he actually attempted to cover up a mole on his face instead.

Before: This mole is actually a tiny bit darker in person, but for some reason it photographed lighter.


You can see here that the concealer hasn't quite set here, but looks as though it's oxidized a bit.

He was immediately surprised by the consistency, which is some of the smoothest, softest concealer I've ever seen personally. He described it as "wicked smooth" and pleasant feeling. Sorry, we're originally from Mass so for those of you unfamiliar with our characteristic use of "wicked" up here, he means very ;)
This was very easy to dab on, but being a first-timer made it a little confusing as to how to apply it to one specific area while blending it in to the skin around it. One issue Patrick had was that this never seemed to really set, but remained slick and transferred if touched for some time after application.
Skin Tone Match
Unfortunately, this was one area that didn't work for Patrick. He has a fairly tanned medium complexion, but with some pink undertones. None of the 3 colors he reviewed quite matched his skin. I did mix a few together and finally get a near match, but on his own this is not something he could do.
Each They Hate Pimples concealer is priced at $19.95, but is on sale as of this post for $14.95. It comes in the 3 colors Patrick received for review.
Where to Buy
They Hate Pimples can be purchased on the brand website HERE.
Final Thoughts
Patrick said, "I think if you have the right skin tone it's a good product. It felt like a high-quality product to use, but not knowing how to use it it's hard for me to judge a concealer for men. If I had lots of blemishes and I wanted to cover them up I'd attempt to use this again if it set and matched my skin tone better."
So what do you think? Will you be trying these out for your boyfriend, husband, or self?