Patient Diary: Day 5 After Rhinoplasty

Posted on the 13 August 2012 by Drguida @RobertGuidaMD

Patient underwent surgery on Thursday, August 9 for Rhinoplasty and Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery.

Patient, Day 5 After Surgery

Read below excerpt from patients email on the status of her recovery:

Just wanted to touch base with you and let you know how my experience was over the weekend. I felt absolutely great!  I don’t know why I have been expecting the worst, but I just haven’t gotten it lol  I did wake with lots of bruising and swelling on Saturday.  I used cold compresses for most of the day, and thankfully the swelling went down. 

I felt well enough to visit my in-laws in Brooklyn for a great dinner.

Yesterday when I woke, almost all of the swelling was gone, except for the top of my nose, right above the “cast”, and some swelling on the inside corner of my eyes.   I iced and was fine by the afternoon.  In the afternoon, the family and I drove into Brooklyn and volunteered our time visiting with the elderly at a nursing home with some friends.  

We then went into Manhattan for a bite to eat (yes in public!), and to spend some more time with friends.

On our way home, I did get a terrible headache and soreness in my nose. My allergies have been bothering me for two days, and the pollen count is over 9 which is killer for me.  My eyes are itchy, breathing affected, and terrible headache, but as I said, allergies are terrible for me yesterday and today, so I suspect the headache has more to do with that than the surgery, as I often suffer migraines as a result of allergies

Other than that, it is business as usual in the Rodriguez house.  I am a stay at home mom, so I am happy to get back to the day to day tasks that I have avoided over the last few days.  And on that note, there is a pile of laundry to be done lol  Can’t wait to get my cast off on Wednesday!