Patanjali Lemon Honey Kanti Soap Review

By Tmomw

 Hi Everyone,

Today I am going to review a bar soap from Patanjali called Lemon Honey Kanti soap. This soap citrus lemon smell which I like. I have already reviewed AloeVera soap from this brand and using it. I got this soap only for trial purpose and wanted to see how good it is.

Product Claim:-

Useful in rejuvenating, nourishing and glowing the skin. Useful in removing dryness and roughness of skin.


INR 19


75 gm


Neembu   Citrus medica   5.0mg

Shahad      Honey    10mg

Ghrit Kumari   Aloe Vera   5.0mg

  Direction For Usage:-

Rub on wet body surface while taking bath and rinse off.

My opinion on the product:-

 This soap comes in new packaging and the soap is different than the aloevera one. The soap is translucent and yellow in color. The smell is very lemony which is really good and amazing. Whenever I used this soap the smell refreshes my mind and energizes my body. This is a n ideal soap for summers and I liked the smell which doesn’t seems artificial.

 The soap smells good but doesn’t lather much. The aloevera soap gives nice lather but not this one. I really had to rub for some time to get desired lather. Even worse when the soap is about to get finish it gets hard to lather.

 What I Liked:-

  • The soap is translucent
  • The smell is lemony and refreshing
  • Price
  • Lemon to refresh mind
  • Doesn’t dries my skin out

What I didn’t Liked:-

  • Smell doesn’t stays for long.
  • Doesn’t lather much.

 Will I repurchase and recommend:-

May be not, I liked the smell but it doesn’t lather much. You can try it if you want a soap which actually smells like lemons.



 Final Words:-

If you are looking for a nice budget soap which is full of natural herbs and goodness then you should try this out. The smell is  refreshing but the biggest con is that it doesn’t lather much.