How can your life rhythm complement your personality and creative expression?
We found in our phone conversation that we had online that our relationships have to have parameters so we actually have boundaries around what we do and how involved we are in it, if we are extroverts and introverts. Sometimes our loved ones “ paces” come into our work, and prevent us from being able to do what we feel we’d like to do to accomplish our creative activity.
Introverts may spend more time take more time taking care of their being; and extroverts take time to sometimes move into what they do – and our life rhythms, sometimes “bump into each other”. When we try to go at the pace of those with us, we sometimes may “get worn out as introverts – or as extroverts – we sometimes slow down. How do we together then syncopate our rhythms, that work best for us as a couple, so we create harmony or completely new rhythm that works for both of us. Introverts may run out of energy before they run out of time. Extroverts may run out of time before energy.
Sometimes introverts may re-evaluate their priorities and sometimes extroverts may need to have their needs met as well when they need to reward themselves and do something in the community as a way to celebrate ourselves for honoring the moment or time we gave to the release of our creative expression.
Introverts may say to Extroverts:
- Please don’t rush me!
- Can you slow your pace?/ I need to slow down, why don’t you take care of this, while I do this on my own a little later.
- You’re going too fast for me./ I cannot go that fast.Yet they may help balance them and approach situations from a more diverse perspective.
Extroverts may say to an Introvert:
“Don’t squash my extroverted-ness when I am on a roll!”
“I don’t want to slow down, I’d like to go some place and get outside for a moment.”
They can help extroverts to calm down a bit and relax quite a bit and take life a little less serious.
Here’s something to consider: How can you mix your language of love with your life rhythm in order that your needs can be met in relationships as well.
Explore your love languages -by clicking on this link– then mix them up with your rhythm and get to know yourself a little deeper!
I sort of I mixed up all three – your love language, introvertism and extrovertism and life rhythm… but they all are FORMS of self expression! Enjoy the exploration of them all!
If you’d like to read more on my blog about introverts and extroverts, go to this link: