Parissa - Warm Wax Review

By Natalieroseanne @clutzyprincess
Hey guys, today for you I have a new product I've been trying - Warm Wax from Parissa.Parissa is a brand that let you be able to remove your body hair, though waxing, at your own home. The microwaveable warm wax, from Parissa, is for use with Legs, Body and Face. I have never waxed my legs myself, so when I was offered to try this brand I was excited at the chance.

In the box there are all the essentials you need to create smooth legs, through waxing. It contains; 120ml wax, 20 strips, easy to follow photo-instructions, 8 ml Azulene oil, 3 spatulas.

The Pot Of Wax

Azulene Oil

How to use?There are three steps in which to take to use the wax; first off you microwave the warm wax, you then apply a thin layer on the part of your body where you're wanting to remove hair, and finally you you remove the hair by using the wax strips. After you have removed the hair, you then use the Azulene Oil to moisturise the area of hair removal, and to prevent in growing hair.This sounds pretty simple :).
How did I get on and find the product?To get the wax warm, it was super quick and simple, just popping it into the microwave for 1-2minutes. After taking it out you stir the wax to really get the formula ready to use. I found it really easy to spread onto my skin, in the direction of skin grow, and found it didn't add any discomfort. I then used the wax strips, in the opposite direction of hair grown, to remove the hair. This is the only bit that I struggled with, I followed the instructions to the point and when pulling back I found that it didn't cling on to all of the wax. I took many attempts to try and take off some bits , and even then I was still left with wax in some areas. I'm wondering if this is because I'm a newbie at waxing, and hopefully with practice I become better at the removal. Once I did manage to get a hang of it, it remove the area of hair that I directed it too, with great efficiency. After removing hair, I used the Azulene Oil over the areas to moisturise and to aid in preventing ingrowing hairs. I found the top of the oil extremely hard to get off, and had to use my teeth to prize away the topper. At least no accidental opening happening there :p. The oil worked really well, leaving my skin feeling soft and it removed any wax that wasn't taken away with the hair.I really like how my legs appeared after, all the hard work. I guess this is the thing, there was a lot of effort for a newbie to use these.
Where to get them from?You can view the other wax products, from the brand Parissa their website.The Parissa Warm Wax retails at £12.99* and you can get it instore from Boots, Sally Beauty and Sainsbury's. It is also available online at Boots from £13.79 and Amazon for £12.99.
I enjoyed trying this experience at home waxing, and I think I'll buy it again to try and master it. I believe it will become a lot easier to use with practice.
Have you guys ever tried the brand Parissa? Have you ever at home waxed? Did you find the same things as me?
As always, thank you so much for reading!
*the product in the review was a pr sample