Pardon My French

By A Mused Blog @Amusedblog
 Bonjour lovelies! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I know I really did: this past Friday I celebrated my birthday! It was all I could ask for, really. It's amazing how much can change from one year to the next, but I don't think I would trade any of it. This year more that ever, I feel incredibly aware of just how lucky and blessed I am to be alive. Tomorrow marks 3 weeks since my accident, and my birthday was truly a celebration of being alive, able to walk and to be with friends and loved ones.

Blouse: Asos // Sweater: birthday gift! // Leather skirt: vintage, gift from my mother // Hat: H&M // Purse: F21 // Shoes: Coach

My beautiful friend Crystal gave me this sweater: and it is perfection!! I had done a collage several months back, and I had actually included a shirt that had the exact same message! I have no idea how she found it, but she did! I took these photos in San Francisco: for my birthday my boyfriend took me shopping. It's starting to become a birthday tradition. Also, this is a special post for me: it's been almost 3 weeks since I've had my legs bare (because of bruises, scrape marks, cuts, etc).