
By Mwillis
My garden is going through a "pale patch", with lots of white / pink flowers in evidence at present.


The Philadelphus (Mock Orange) is in full bloom at last, about a month later than normal.

I have noticed that most of the flowers are infested with little black Pollen Beetles. Anyone know whether I should be worried about them? Are they harmful?

The White Rose is looking nice too. The buds have a definite pink tinge to them:

Hydrangea flowers are green when at the bud stage, like this:

But then they take on color as they get bigger. These ones of mine are just beginning to turn pink.

Lots of my potatoes are flowering too. This light mauve-coloured one is "Sarpo Axona":

And this is "Sarpo Shona":

Soon the color palette will turn towards the reds and yellows of high Summer, but that's a story for another day...