Overheard from the Desk

By Crossstitchyourheart @TMNienaber

I’m not sure why I haven’t thought of this sooner, but better late than never.  As you know, I teach high school English, which may possibly be the most fantastic job in the world.  And, on top of being able to stand around and talk about books with teens all day I also get a front row seat to some of the funniest overheard, out of context quotes you can imagine.  It seems only fair I share.  Hope they bring a smile to your face like they did to mine (or cause you to shake your head in frustration, but hey, at least these kids are in school so we still have a chance to fix them).

1. We’re different from animals because, as humans, we have exposeable thumbs.

2. Is Australia a country or a city in England?

3. Was America a country during the first or second World War?

4. How many concentration camps did the Nazis have in America?

5. I don’t want to date him, I just want him to text me all the time.

6. Isn’t a communist the same thing as a Lutheran?

Alright, those are the biggest ones I can remember for today, but I promise to keep an ear open for some other ones.  Looking at these I feel a little disappointed in my high school kiddos, but at least I get the chance to set them straight.  And once they have the right facts they can have some pretty inspired/brilliant discussions.  It’s awesome to watch them start making connections.

I’ve also got my first update of the Christmas madness crafting to show you.

Joy, Noel, Angel Ornament, or possibly card. I haven’t decided yet.

I’ve got all the stitching done and now I just need to go back and do the details.  It only took about 3 hours to get to this point so I’m hoping I’ll be able to get a lot of these done for Christmas cards.  I can’t decide if I want to turn this into an ornament or a card.  What are your thoughts?  It’s supposed to be an ornament but it’s such a perfect card shape I’d rather back it with heavy weight paper and turn it into a Christmas card.  I feel like it would make an awkward ornament.  What do you fellow crafters think?  Suggestions welcome.  I guess I could make it into a pin-cushion too…  Hmmm.  What do you think?

I’m starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel so I’m hoping to start blogging a little more frequently (how many times have I typed that before).  Hope you all are enjoying your November.  It’ll be December before you know it.  Can you believe that?