Outfit: Gray on a Sunny Day

By Herugliness
Hello! ~ We finally have beautiful weather! I hope it lasts a while forever! I still don't get to take outfit photos as often as I like, it would be so much easier for me if I did not have to be in them! XP Wearing socks in summer probably seems a bit strange in the west, but it is something you see quite often in Japan (and also a lot on Mori Girl outfits in general) and ever since I brought back half a luggage full of Tutuanna socks from my last Japan trip I cannot get enough of wearing them. 
There isn't so much else to tell, my life is still pretty repetitive, but that's nothing to complain about. I haven't been doing too well physical lately and think I should probably get my blood checked or something like this, because I feel tired and exhausted all day and this has been going on for months now. It probably also is a reason why I don't get to do outfit photos as much as I would like, it just seems so much extra work and I am lacking the energy for it. I sometimes get asked where I buy my stuff, so I will try to sum it up: Top was bought at Wonder Rocket, pants at Romantic Standard, west is from New Yorker, necklace is from Ebay, shoes are from en face, socks from Tutuanna and watch was bought in a random store in the Ikebukuro ALTA mall.