Outfit: Autumn Mori

By Herugliness
Hello! ~ Autumn has reached Germany. The weather cannot quite decide how it wants to be like and on some days it is warm and sunny, then it is suddenly cold and rainy again, but there are colorful leaves covering the streets everywhere. It looks beautiful and I could really love autumn if it was not for the fact that it makes me think "It will be so cold soon!" all the time. I also dislike how now it is getting dark at 5pm already. We switched to winter daylight saving time last week and that makes things even worse. I never understood the point of it. How do you save anything if you can turn on the lights later each morning, but have to turn them on earlier in the evening instead? Well, soon it will be dark in the mornings and the evenings, so it will hardly matter anyway...This was my outfit from one of the colder days we had last week. On some days you can really still go outside with just a T-shirt on, but on others you need a coat, scarf and hat already.The scarf and hairclip are from SIX, the shirt, west and cardigan are from Wonder Rocket, the skirt is from H&M and the necklace from Paris Kid's.