Out of Their Tree

By Maggiemcneill @Maggie_McNeill

Hi there, boys and girls!  It’s time for another anti-whore article so thoroughly and pervasively offensive that I couldn’t bear to just print a short quote and be done.  Today’s example is from the prohibitionist, cop-worshipping Los Angeles Times, and was written by one James Queally (Hi James!  I hope you enjoy all the tweets and emails I’m asking everyone who reads this to beseige you with, so you learn to consult sex workers next time you’re assigned to do a hit piece on us).  But without further ado, let’s look at this slab of rancid tripe:

Night after night, a small group of students and professors from California State University Northridge traveled to Van Nuys last year for an unorthodox mission.  In packs of two or four, they searched for young women standing on dark street corners along Sepulveda Boulevard, then waited for the men who would inevitably come calling on them.  For eight months, the students and instructors followed the johns and the women they sought sex from along a stretch of the boulevard that officials consider one of the busiest prostitution strolls in Los Angeles.

“Packs” is the right word; these so-called academics actually stalked and spied on other citizens, attempting to catch them in the “crime” of having consensual sex.  This could only be more dehumanizing if they shot them with tranquilizer darts and attached radio tags to their ears.  If their victims were anyone other than sex workers and clients, these Stasi wannabes could be arrested and charged under stalking laws.

The Cal State group documented the places they met and where they had sex in an attempt to help police and city officials stamp out a decades-old problem…

Were Cal State a private entity, this would be an example of fascism, the marriage of corporate, political & paramilitary (such as police) power.  But the fact that Cal State is a public university renders this merely creepy and unethical rather than fascistic; I’m not sure what ethical constraints “urban studies” professors operate under, but if it’s typical of social sciences this is an egregious violation of the consent of the experimental subjects.

…Based on the academic research, Councilwoman Nury Martinez said…she has launched a $780,000 program aimed at eliminating locations where johns and young women, many of whom she [fantasizes] are forced into prostitution under threat of violence…The…study identified up to 40 locations used for illegal sex that could be safeguarded by the addition of street lamps or the trimming of nearby trees…“It has to do with line of sight,” [oinked] Chief [pig] Bob Green…“When people feel like they can hide in the shadows to commit prostitution or take something from your car or steal your car, they’re gonna do it”…

I love the juxtaposition of rhetoric here; these lying sacks of shit will say whatever they think will play best with the audience, but didn’t bother to coordinate their stories.  On the one hand, the politician is trying to sell this police-state BS with the typical masturbatory fantasy of teen sex slaves, while the pig prefers the old “whore as criminal” trope and equates a peaceful, consensual transaction with theft (even to the point of vomiting out the moronic phrase “commit prostitution”, which I suggest you compare with “commit teaching”, “commit accounting” or “commit policing”).  Neither the reporter nor his editor seemed to be uncomfortable with the horrific phrase “illegal sex”, which only 14 years ago would have included a lot of homosexual activity and within my lifetime included interracial sex.  The lack of self-awareness is almost mind-boggling.

…The project is the latest step in a years-long initiative to curb human trafficking and prostitution along Sepulveda Boulevard, Martinez said.  The [politician and the pig] came together to spearhead the creation of an anti-trafficking task force in the San Fernando Valley in 2015, a unit that arrested nearly 400 johns last year…Prostitution has been a problem in the area for decades…the sight of women waiting on street corners along Sepulveda was common as far back as the 1980s.  But in recent years, Martinez said she has noticed a troubling trend.  The corners are now populated by girls, rather than women.  “The last couple of years, the age of the women who they traffic on this corridor has gotten younger and younger and younger” she said…The victims, she said, are trafficked to Los Angeles from other major cities, including Las Vegas and Seattle…

Note the conflation of sex work with coercion, an equation only possible in the prudish & misogynistic minds of sex prohibitionists like Martinez, who wants us to believe that she actually pays such close attention to streetwalkers and has such superhuman memory and mathematical skills that she can catalog the apparent ages of women she has seen in a certain area over a stretch of three decades, average them, then plot those averages on a mental graph to note that they are growing younger.  Clearly, her superior mutant mind is wasted in politics; imagine what she could’ve accomplished as a physicist or meteorologist.  Alternate theory suggested by application of Occam’s Razor:  Of course they look younger to the old bat than they used to; twenty-something women seemed old to her when she was a schoolgirl, and now they seem like kids.  But in either case, she has to represent the sex workers as passive, doll-like victims, “trafficked” (in dog crates loaded on pallets in tractor-trailers, no doubt) by ninja “pimps” with mind-control powers.  Methinks she’s been living too close to Hollywood for too long.

…Henrik Minassians, an associate professor of urban studies and planning at CSUN who led the study, said anyone trying to have sex with an underage girl would have little trouble doing so along the Van Nuys stretch…[his “evidence” is that he claims one of the women he was stalking said to him] “She can bring you underage girls”…before pointing to another woman.  At least 10 trafficking victims have been rescued from the area, according to LAPD records. Five of them were just 15 years old, said Lt. Marc Evans, who [presented no evidence for the claim]…

This is what passes for “evidence” in this voyeuristic safari masquerading as science:  the claim of one woman against another (who was apparently not interviewed), which could have been motivated by anything from the hope she’d be rewarded for telling these asses what they wanted to hear, to the hope of getting an enemy arrested for pimping.  That, and the sexual fantasies of a pig who claims to have found five 15-year-olds but no girls of 14, 16 or 17.  The McNeill Rule  points toward what “Lieutenant” Evans’ favorite fetish is.

…Martinez hopes the changes will…discourage pimps who are trafficking young women in her district…Minassians said the purpose of the study was to eradicate conditions favorable to…pimps and johns…The use of environmental manipulation to disrupt illicit activity has worked well for other police agencies.  When trying to find a way to combat lewd conduct and public sex in recent years, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department began using similar tactics, namely trimming trees and improving lighting, to [attempt to create a panopticon]…

Let’s conclude with the rotten heart of this loathsome screed:  the treatment of sex work as a disease to be eliminated.  I mean, look at the language; it sounds like they’re talking about draining a bog to get rid of mosquitoes.  This is what “government” and “policing” actually mean in this country: treating human beings as animals to be managed, corralled, studied, punished and harvested (for taxes and fines), instead of citizens who have just as much right to be in public places as anyone else.  The idea that it doesn’t actually hurt anyone for others to have sex in a dark place outdoors never even occurs to these Puritans; the idea that someone might be doing something where they can’t watch offends them and, apparently, frustrates their voyeuristic impulses.