Our Weekend

By Livedwithlove @kerrymarie
Our weekend was pretty low key this week, mainly just getting odd bits done that I needed too and doing a lot of washing! Ugh! We kicked off Saturday with a yummy breakfast of bacon & eggs.. mm there really is nothing better is there? Oh except coffee..and chocolate.. and doughnuts.. ;)
Something I really wanted to try this weekend was making my own almond butter. We had a stash of almonds in the cupboard so I whizzed them up in the blender with a teaspoon of Lucy Bee's Organic coconut oil and viola! Homemade almond butter!

On Saturday's, Warren is at football from 12-5ish and so Sienna and I spend quality time together at home doing fun things. This weekend we snuggled down with the new 'Abney and Teal' magazine that is specifically aimed at pre-schooler. It's interactive and asked her to respond, stick stickers and even jump up and down and well as having little stories and songs to read. I loved how it had some physical elements to it as well as the educational aspect of it. Of course, she also adored the guitar and recorder that was free with it.. she's very musical at the moment and loves making lots of noise. We had lots of fun reading, colouring, counting and sticking and think it's the perfect magazine for pre-schooler, especially on a rainy day. It launches on the Wednesday (23rd October) and we highly recommend picking it up!

Sunday was spent at Asda getting meat to stock our freezer up with and then consuming copious amounts of coffee in the afternoon.. and maybe a Cadbury's caramel doughnut ;) That's what Sundays were made for, right?!

What did you get up too?
PS. A new Vlog of our night at the fun fair went live Sunday morning, click here to watch :)

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