Our House!

By Heathernichole

{This post was from two weeks ago. I started preparing it just before my tooth started throbbing. I never got around to posting it because I was in so much pain and we also didn't have internet. Since then, I've had a root canal and my fiancé has installed our home internet.}

For those of you that don't know, my fiancé and I are officially homeowners! We were given our keys on May 18th. Everyone warned us about escrow and I will do my part and warn the next person. I had a headache for a month straight - I actually still have that headache. {Update - I had that headache because I had a tooth infection. Now that I have had a root canal, the heacache is completely gone.} It may not go away until we are done with all the remodeling and repairs we want to do. We are extremely happy to have our own home. We've been talking about this for two years now. I'll have to do a post specifically on how we found the house and made an offer. It was definitely meant to be and God was on our side. I was extremely grateful for the holiday weekend. Now that I'm working six days a week {and my fiancé is currently working six days a week because his store is down three employees} I don't have much time to get projects done. I worked both jobs on Friday. I caught a glimpse of my bicep in the mirror and I had to document it. By the way, I pr'd and dead lifted 215 pounds on Thursday night. Eeeeeeeek!!!!

After training a few clients on Saturday, May 23rd I went home and attempted to paint our master bedroom. All. By. Myself. Prior to this I had never done any major painting projects. There were a few people that doubted me but I did it. I was extremely sore and exhausted afterwards but I did it and that was all that mattered. 

Before. Completely white.

I went ahead and started with the detailing. 

Then I used a roller to fill in the rest. 

I will definitely get better photos once the flooring is done and our furniture is put in place. 

When my fiancé got home, I was starving. He told me he'd take me anywhere I wanted. I had Eat Pray Love on in the background while I was painting so I was craving pizza. We tried a new place in town. It's kind of like a Chipotle or a Subway. You walk down the line and let them know what you want on your pizza and then they throw it in the brick oven. Of course I got mine with no cheese. They questioned me a couple times but I knew what I was doing. It was delicious! Everything I was craving and more! 

The next day I worked on the kitchen cabinets. I tore out the old lining, vacuumed and wiped them all down. This was not fun at all.

I replaced all the old lining with new lining. 

On Memorial Day my future mother in law came over and helped my fiancé and I paint our living room, dining room, kitchen and hallway. 

Painting gets done so much faster when you have help! They left the detail work for me. {I was smiling in this photo but I was dying inside. I was experiencing the worst pain ever. Toothaches are the worst!}

My fiancé and I ate dinner that night in our backyard by the fire pit. I ate apple sauce. I couldn't chew anything at that point. The next morning I had an emergency appointment with my dentist and she referred me to a root canal specialist. Four appointments later, I feel like myself again.