Our First Christmas Cards as Mr. & Mrs.

By Hblack79

Happy Thursday blog-fam!!

Yet again, it’s been another long stretch of nada from this little block of the internet, but I’m back to share our very first Christmas Cards!!! We’ve been together for over 10 years, just now got married in February, and finally got to do Christmas cards together!

I wanted to take advantage of our very first Christmas together because the pictures are so easy to choose – WEDDING PICTURES! Yay!

We decided to use VistaPrint for our Christmas Cards this year. They always have a discount code & they are cheap. With it being our first year, we wanted to be financially cautious with it (plus, you gotta think about stamps!) We were so pleased with how they turned out, both aesthetically & financially.

The other nice thing about doing Christmas cards this first year of marriage is that we already had a list for sending.

Regarding our Guest List/Christmas Card List: We used a Google Doc from the very beginning with our Wedding Guest List. I know a few of the addresses have changed in the past 10 months. I love that I can now easily update them and use this standard list for all future mailings. ALSO – my beautiful sister-in-law just got engaged and we were able to share our invite list with her so she can use it as a memory jogger & transfer over some of the addresses for her wedding! #winwin

Okay, I’m finally getting to our Christmas cards – They turned out SO GREAT and I’m excited to share them with you all.

From our little family to yours – we hope you had a VERY Merry Christmas and have a wonderful NEW YEAR!

Much Love,

The Usry’s!

  • Did you send Christmas Cards this year?
  • What company did you use?
  • Do you take annual family pictures for your Christmas Cards or do you find great pictures from throughout the year?