Our Collection of Judge Bill Pryor's Gay-porn Photos Grows to Four, Raising Levels of Titillation and Questions About His Fitness to Serve on the Federal Bench

Posted on the 04 May 2017 by Rogershuler @RogerShuler

Bill Pryor: Gay-porn photo No. 4
(Box expertly applied by Carol T. Shuler,
 aka Mrs. Schnauzer)

A few months ago, it looked like federal judge Bill Pryor would become known as the guy who replaced conservative icon Antonin Scalia on the U.S. Supreme Court. Now, it looks as though Pryor might go down merely as one of the most hypocritical public figures in the first 16-plus years of the 2000s.
As evidence of that, we present the photo at right. It is the fourth gay-porn photo of a young Bill Pryor, three of them found by dedicated Legal Schnauzer readers, that appeared in a gallery of eight to 12 images. (Even Schnauzer readers, it turns out, are diggers.) Taken when Pryor was an undergraduate at Northeast Louisiana University (now University of Louisiana Monroe, ULM), the photos first surfaced in one or more print publications during the 1980s, made a brief appearance in the digital age at badpuppy.com in 1997, and now have spread to any number of  Web sites near you, especially Europe-based tumblr sites.
(Note: An NSFW version of the photo can be viewed by clicking on a link at the end of this post.)
And yes, it's the same Bill Pryor who grew up to become George W. Bush's pick to sit on the U.S. Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals, mainly because of support from right-wing zealots like Karl Rove and Jeff Sessions. It's the same Bill Pryor who, because of Sessions' never-failing support/affection and powerful perch as Donald Trump's attorney general, once was the favorite to replace Scalia -- only to finish no higher than No. 3, with the nomination and appointment going to Neil Gorsuch, of Colorado. It's also the same Bill Pryor who has been virulently anti-LGBT in public statements, even though evidence of his past ties to homosexual activity continues to grow.
That is where rank hypocrisy enters the picture. And as our readers dig up more Pryor nudie pics at a rapid pace, the hypocrisy will only grow. At this rate, we might have a complete set of photos by the end of summer, even earlier.
Such a prospect comes with a certain level of titillation, of course. But it entails a number of serious issues, including the fact that Pryor is subject to blackmail because powerful Republicans know of his gay-porn past and pushed him for a spot on the federal bench because they knew he could be controlled.
According to multiple reports, Pryor is a "gatekeeper" or "fixer" for conservative interests on the court -- he does their bidding or risks being outed, even though we already have outed him. I've seen evidence during my own legal travails that suggests Pryor does, in fact, dictate the outcome of certain cases from his "duty station" at the Hugo Black Courthouse in downtown Birmingham. That rises (or lowers?) to a level of corruption most vile.
Am I just sitting back and taking it? No, I am not. I'm collecting that evidence into a nice, organized format that will be presented to the proper federal authorities in the near future. If Jeff Sessions goes down in the KremlinGate scandal, we suspect Pryor could be vulnerable. Our intent is to strike when the time is ripe. God willing, we will help Pryor exit the federal bench and enter federal prison, where he belongs.
In fact, Pryor and Sessions might make a nice matched set in the slammer. We already know Sessions has lied to Congress about his communications with Russian officials during the 2016 election. And there is little doubt Pryor lied to Congress during his confirmation hearings. Consider this from one of our first posts on the gay-porn subject:
Pryor has known the photos were public since at least September 1997, and our sources say it's unlikely he disclosed their existence to FBI and U.S. Senate investigators during the pre-confirmation process for the federal judgeship.
Could Pryor face serious consequences if it is shown he made false statements to officials looking into his background? Based on the impeachment and removal of Louisiana federal judge Thomas Porteous in 2010, the answer might be yes.
One of the articles of impeachment against Porteous involved his failure to disclose information to investigators--and his false statements during pre-confirmation regarding any background information that might prove embarrassing to him and the president who nominated him, Bill Clinton.

We addressed the subject again, along with allegations that Pryor is a court fixer, in a March 2015 post:
How many cases have received unlawful interference from Bill Pryor? Could they include the high-profile case of former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman? God only knows at this point, but if proven, such conduct would point to obstruction of justice, racketeering, conspiracy, and probably other crimes.
That brings us to Pryor's Senate confirmation hearing. It is standard for a federal nominee to be asked, under oath, if there is anything in his background that might embarrass him or the president who nominated him. Pryor has known the nude photos were public since at least September 1997, and our sources say he likely did not disclose their existence to FBI and Senate investigators.

Is Bill Pryor fit to serve as a federal judge? Absolutely not. Based on allegations that he lied to Congress and has engaged in obstruction of justice/racketeering/conspiracy, does he belong in federal prison? The answer, most likely, is yes. We intend to do everything in our power to put him there.
Bill Pryor No. 4 (NSFW)