
By Candyfairy


Biodegradable Organic Cotton Monthly Products! 
We all get our period. Fact! (Well most of us females at some point!) But do you actually have anyidea what the monthly products you are using on and inside your own body are made from and howyou using them are effecting the environment? I never thought much about it until I learnt of this brand. Organyc.
Organyc is 100% Certified Organic and is made from cotton grown and approved by the SoilAssociation! (That's a pretty big deal as The Soil Association have mega strict standards andspecific requirements!- eg. How the cotton is grown, harvested, stored as well as conservation criteria.) Further info on Organic Standards by the Soil Association can be found here.The cotton used is grown without the use of any chemicals, pesticides or toxins.
Organyc supply a great range of sanitary products to suit your monthly needs weather you're apad or tampon girl. Each box is clearly marked between one and six white rain drops so youcan easily pick out and choose a product to suit your needs.
Below you will find three from their range I have been trying out over the past month.All worked well for me on different days for different reasons.
Below I explain...
x10 Ultra Thin Pads - Moderate w/Wings! ($6.95)
Getting a little personal here, but I feel the best way to explain these products is to share with you
how I deal with my own monthlies!
Over the years my period has ranged from heavy to light to pretty much not having it at all for
about three years whilst I had my two babies if you count nine months for each and then another
when my body was finding it's feet and getting back to 'normal'.
These days the first 2-3 days are about a moderate flow and I found this particular size pad to do
the job best for me to see me through the nights. In general I prefer pads with wings
for that bit of extra protection and security. These were great at preventing any leaks and
they stuck in place really well. The pad itself was also very absorbent.
x24 Ultra Thin Panty Liners! ($6.95)
I am not one of those people who feel the need to wear some kind of protection down there everysingle day in between my period. Unless it's a super hot humid day or if I was going to sweat it outin the gym (which let's face it I just don't do!) then I would wear a liner to keep me feeling dry.
However I generally find myself using liners on the last few days of my period when my flowslows down and this is all I need. These liners are nice and thin and you can hardly feel they'rethere. They are so comfortable and also absorb well. Again like the regular pads the sticky sideensures they stay in place for as long as you need without moving around which could lead tocomplete embarrassment and disaster!
x16 Organyc Regular Tampons! ($6.95)

As these are the lightest flow size available (also abavilable in super & super plus!) these suited me perfectly.
They are designed and open the same way you would use any other kind of tampon and
the cotton felt soft, gentle and comfortable to insert, remove and wear.
The little info booklet also provides you more info and how-to pictures if you're a beginner with these
things, which is perfect for younger girls who might be unsure. I know it took me a few years to get
the hang of it so I totally get it!!
If you're interested to give Organyc a go now that you are more aware of the benefits and how
much kinder these are to your body and environment the whole range is available to purchase
online directly from their website or click here to find a stockist near you!
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