ORBI: Show in Soestduinen

Posted on the 19 October 2019 by Hctf @hctf

Dutch quartet ORBI will play their of a kind interpretations of prog and metal 2 Hilton Royal Parc Soestduinen) , hosted by Concertpodium Soest in Soestduinen on November 3: "(...) consisting of three renowned classical musicians and Hollands finest blues rock Hammond player. Bram van Sambeek (bassoon), Sven Figee (Hammond Organ), Rick Stotijn (double bass) and Marijn Korff de Gidts (drums, percussion) bonded over a shared love of progressive hard rock and metal. Their instruments of choice are not in the spotlights that often, hence the title of their album, The Oscillating Revenge of the Background Instruments, on which they play well-known songs by bands like Led Zeppelin, Muse, Metallica, Alkaloid, and Pink Floyd."

» ORBI on Facebook

HCTF review of The Oscillating Revenge of the Background Instruments.