Dubbed Open Explorer, this new website offers multiple ways to learn about on going expeditions. For instance, the top of the page features a major program that is ongoing somewhere in the world right now. Below that, you'll find an interactive map that indicates where expeditions are currently making place, allowing viewers to zoom in to determine what is happening in the places that they are interested in, while below the map they'll also find listing of yet more expeditions broken down by category. If that still isn't enough however, you can also click on the Expedition Discover page to find other search tools to help you sort through all the options. As I write this, there are currently 438 expeditions to follow.
With building the Open Explorer tool, Nat Geo is hoping to also create a community of like-minded explorers and adventurers who can freely communicate with one another and share ideas. Visitors are encouraged to create a profile, sign in, and follow along as expeditions of interest unfold. Explorers can also post updates to the site, sharing the progress they've made, interesting new findings, and so on. In a sense, the plan is to create a social network for those of us who are enthralled with the exploration and adventure world. You can even add your own expeditions to the list too.
If you read this blog with any regularity, there is probably a good chance you'll find something interesting on the Open Explorer site too. There are literally dozens of expeditions to sift through, all of which have something compelling to offer. If you're like me, you'll probably find far too many of them to follow, and not enough time to keep up with them all. Still, it is going to be a lot of fun trying.
Check out Open Explorer here.