Hamza hand T-Shirt: River Island
Black skater skirt: George at Asda (£12, Bargain!)
Shoes: Primark
Sunglasses: Claire's Accessories
Nails: Barry M Gelly-Hi Shine 'Greenberry'
Midi ring: (from pack of 3) New Look
Foundation: Rimmel Match Perfection in 'Light Porcelain' and MAC face and body foundation in N10
Powders: Rimmel Stay Matte powder in 'Transparent', Rimmel Natural bronzer in 'Sun Bronze', MAC Mineralize blush in 'Dainty' and MAC Mineralize Skin Finish in 'Soft and Gentle'.
Eyes: No7 'Smoky Rose Quad' and Maybelline One by One mascara in black.
Lips: MAC Amplified lipstick in 'Brick-o-la'
Hope you liked the post! Let me know what you think in the comments and feel free to ask any questions!