Onwards & Upwards!

By Hollysbeautybox @hollysbeautybox
Hi everyone!

A cute picture of my cat on Christmas Day because, well why the hell not?

Im doing a bit of an emotional blog post today and I promise this will be the last soppy one I do like this.  As a lot of you know my amazing Papa passed away almost 2 weeks ago after spending more than 2 months in hospital. I won't go into the ins and outs because that's personal to my family.  I know a lot of you have asked me to explain what happened and I'm really sorry to let you down, but I just feel its the right thing to do by not telling you all.
On Tuesday 4th March, we had his funeral and the service was literally beautiful. You know how you sometimes go to a funeral and you think 'why is no-one singing?' literally every single person in that church sang their hearts out. It was an emotional day, which didn't go without its problems (myself and my sisters turned up at the wrong graveyard...woops!) So many of my papas friends and family turned out for him and it truly meant a huge deal to my family and I.
Aside from the doom and gloom, I wanted to talk about a few things that will be coming up on the blog. 
SPRING IS COMING! Hells to the yeahs! Thank GOD Spring is almost here, I will be celebrating by doing a feature on spring time makeup, spring fashion trends and even some videos on my youtube channel!
On the subject of Youtube - I have really loved getting back into the swing of doing youtube videos - I used to film videos but in all honesty they were really rubbish and so I now have a better camera and editing software etc so I can make them a bit more fun to watch  
Last but by no means least, my Yours Clothing column is now live! Yeehaw! Once a month I will be writing a fashion column for them highlighting my favorite fashion trends and how I will wear them. head on over to www.yoursclothing.co.uk to see it :)
Whats been happening with you guys? I've reeeeeally missed blogging!