Three pictures were all I could load . . . and that after several tries...
I think that the fault is with our connection or our server -- John's computer seems to be running slow too.
After getting the garden planted and hoed before our several days of rain, I took on the major task of cleaning and reorganizing my work room -- and I'm not done yet. Big bags of paper odds and ends are in the car headed for recycling, several boxes of books and magazines are going to the library, and I'm slowly making progress -- quilting stuff here, books about the Civil War there, old photos to be scanned . . . you get the idea.
I thought about taking before and after pictures but the before was/is too disturbing. Dust and dead ladybugs everywhere and such an embarrassing jumble of the various activities that I have, at one time or another, attempted.
Should I hang on to the huge basket of gourds? Is gourd crafting ever going to be something I want to do again? And what about all those odds and ends for collages and mixed media pieces I was sure I'd do some day? I wonder if the oil paints have all dried up -- it's been about seven years since I used them.Do I keep all those 'good ideas' I tore out of magazines?It's kinda like a trip down memory lane -- a memory lane so overgrown and tangled that one doesn't stroll, one hacks one's way through the towering ephemera, the teeming memorabilia, and the rampant trivia that threaten to overwhelm the weary explorer.