One Word Wedsnesday – Striving

By Jenrene

To Strive means: to exert oneself vigorously; try hard.
What was the latest success you had in striving?
Was it for exercise?
Was it for an exam you know you had to pass?
Was it for a relationship?
Have you ever thought about nature how it strives to come to birth?
How the earth strives when earthquakes happen and the earth shifts and the winds take form to form tornadic winds?
Just as the earth groans and has growing pains, so also does our lives.
Our lives can be just as tumultuous at times, and we still have to find a place to rest in peace.

Other meaningful definitions of striving are: to make strenuous efforts toward any goal: to strive for success;to contend in opposition, battle, or any conflict; compete; to struggle vigorously, as in opposition or resistance: to strive against fate;. to rival; ( oh that word sounds familiar!) to vie.
Striving helps bring about life cultivation: Oneness of mind and spirit. Striving helps to build communities.

Banking On Change (12 min version) from Pilgrim Films on Vimeo.

This was taken from a post on Rhyvuldotwordpressdotcom . There’s a post here in this video of a young woman who strove until she found breakthrough, even though she has an infirmity. Such humanity in never giving up. Her Red Sea Situation makes me smile.

Check it out… Rhyvul is an insightful and self-awareness blog that helps you to become more in tune with the opposing forces that challenge your life and soul .