One Last Cookie...

By Nesheaholic @nesheaholic

After I've had a bought with bad eating I always seem to find myself saying, "ok, one last and then I'll get back on track." Like somehow I have to eat one last cookies to get back to healthy eating. These last hoorah's work sometimes, and other times they don't. 

I know when I'm making a really bad choice in eating when I'm ashamed to pray over a dish. If I can't thank God for what I'm about to eat, I probably shouldn't be eating it lol

I've been going through a lot of things when it comes to eating well and working out. I was even eating paleo for a week, which I may or may not do for an extended amount of time. My best days were last year when I had a personal trainer and cooked all the meals for the week on Sundays. The trainer is no longer financially sustainable and cooking all day long on Sunday just became exhausting. 

My new goal is to work out often following Comcast OnDemand workouts or workouts I find on Pinterest. Although I know I don't feel like cooking everything on Sunday, each Sunday I want to plot out the meals that I will be cooking for the week. 

How's healthy living treating you?