Piggybacking joyously on the humid heat-waves come generous and quite regular bouts of migraine, dehydration, bodyaches and a general sick feeling of being down in the dumps, and the mangoes, lychees and watermelons are simply not compensation enough. So I hate summer with a passion matched only by my excessive love for winter, and till last year nothing, I stress - NOTHING - would have compelled me to be even remotely welcoming of summer despite its several apparently redeeming features many people rave about. To each her own...
But this time something's different. I'm quite determined to make 2014 the turnaround year and reclaim my old happy self, and a measly season is not going to get in the way of my happiness. So I've decided to see, er, the sunny(!) side of everything summer has to offer, and rather than crib endlessly about the sun and sweat and stink, I'll try and channel the energy into something more positive. Which means my stupendously lazy self will have to come up with ideas to fool my brain into sending happy pheromones running through my system so that despite the migraines and dizziness I do not get dragged down into heat-induced comatose depression!
To that end, I've come up with the ONE HUNDRED DAYS OF SUMMER project, which will have me documenting my tryst with Summer 2014 with pictures and/or tales of people, places and things that attract/amuse me and help keep the summer blues away. Since this is a lazy blog, and it is trying to live upto that nomenclature quite seriously, I shall be posting only once daily, and simultaneously post updates on Facebook and Instagram. And as I'm