On Anti-Asian Hate And How To Stay Safe

By Rolala @rolalaloves

I had debated whether to write about this or not but to be honest this topic has been weighing heavily on mind lately and I can't seem to concentrate when I try start anything else so I'm just going to get it out of my system. It's important and it doesn't seem like any other bloggers or creators of Asian descent are  weighing in some recent horrific incidents of Anti-Asian hate. Well just because something hasn't personally affected you, it doesn't make it any less real and choosing to act like it doesn't exist doesn't mean it will magically go away or shield you but whatever. I don't have that privilege and this is part of my life whether I like it or not. Since I've chosen not to engage in toxic positivity I will not ignore this issue just because it makes some people uncomfortable.

Since I wrote about the prevalence of Anti-Asian Hate last year, the number of anti-Asian hate incidents has continued to climb. The Stop AAPI (Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders) Hate organization has recorded more than 10,000 hate incidents since the start of the pandemic.These incidents include verbal slurs, shunning and physical attacks. The physical attacks range from beatings to pushing people out onto traffic, down stairs and subway tracks. A number of these attacks have resulted in severe physical injury and death.