OMY Singapore Blog Awards 2014

By Ireviewuread

Last Saturday, i was fortunate enough to attend one of the biggest blogger event of the year, OMY Singapore Blog Awards 2014. Held at Scape* ‘s newly renovate Ground Theatre, this yearly event have attracted many bloggers of different genres to participate. 

At the end of the day, only the best of the best were elected and chosen to fight this battle. Today, we are here to celebrate the hard work invested in these outstanding blogs and at the same time, find out who are the conquering heros from these uphill battles.

With that, let’s move into the Cave of Malice Friendly Associates.

As I glanced around looking for my biggest competi….

Ok, I know, I know, enough of this “war talk” because at this rate, you are going to be reading Shi Hui’s Game of Thrones instead of the happenings at OMYSBA 2014.

Converting to the right mindset NOW:

Surrounded with cocktail tables, horses and derby queens*, OMY have managed to incorporate a glittery art tattoo station and of course the oh so important, photobooth.

In case, you have no idea what is derby fashion, please refer to the reference below:

Taken from Pinterest 

Yes, the theme was horses  and derby fashion. No, I did not dress like a horse. I chose derby fashion without the hat.

and Yes, I just used their photobooth to take my #OOTD. More details on my #MOTD another day.

Back to the ceremony.

They start off the ceremony with a short summary of what is OMYSBA2014 and a speech about the blogging world given by our Guest of Honour, Ms Sim Ann (Minister of State, Ministry of Communication and information, and Ministry of Education).

You can check our this news clip below to catch short footages of the speech and have a general idea of what happened during the OMYSBA2014:

Note: Video is in Chinese

Taken from OMY News 

Thereafter, it’s finally time to the top dogs, starting with the best Advertisers’ Choice category: Best Beauty Blog & Best Cooking Blog.

Best Beauty Blogs:

  1. Jessie’s Passion in Life - Jessie Ting
  2. A Singapore beauty, fashion and lifestyle blogger - Jean Gan
  3. because every part of you can be beautiful, even your buns - Cheryl

Look at my competitions just standing there, smiling, I’ll get you, You just wait. ♞ *Stare* *Start to clap very slowly*

I’m starting to thhink that I should totally turn into a “YOU MAD BRUH?” blogger instead of a Beauty blogger. Hmmp….

Best Cooking Blog: The Domestic Goddess Wannabe

♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ ♭ ♮ ♯

Next category which was touched on was the Followers’ Choice: Favourite Celebrity Instagram Account, Favourite Twitter InfluencerFavourite  Youtube Channel.

First off, Favourite Celebrity Instagram Account. And thewinner is *Fan Girl mode On* Aaron Yan Ya Lun! Here’s a video of him thanking everyone and explaining why he uses Instagram so actively. 

Note: Video is in Chinese.

Aaron Yan, 炎亞綸 -

♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ ♭ ♮ ♯

Next is Favourite Twitter Influencer & Favourite  Youtube Channel.

Favourite Twitter influencer - @spinorbinmusic

Favourite Youtube Channel - NinjaGirlsSG

Congrats on winning the awards once again. Consistency ✓  

♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ ♭ ♮ ♯

As we reached the half way mark, it’s time to take a break and enjoy some dance performances: 

To spice things up, the organiser decided to nominate the unicorn of the day, Smith and the Ninja Girls up to try out the dance.

Before moving on to the Editors’ / Judges Choice, it’s time to give them some credit and recognition for their hard work. Check out the full list of the judging panel HERE.

♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ ♭ ♮ ♯

Moving on to the: Editors’/Judges’ Choice ~

Best Family Blog - Mum in the Making - Mama J

Best Fashion Blog - Shopping Queen’s Haven - Regina Chow

Best Food Blog - Johor Kaki Food and Travel Stories - Tony Johor Kaki

Best Individual Blog - 女飞侠

Best Lifestyle Blog - Smith’s Blog - Smith Leong

Best New Blog - Stories for the Adventurous Soul - Travelled Paths

Best Photography Blog -龟头部落

Best Topical Blog - Seriously Man - Team SM

Best Travel Blog-

♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ ♭ ♮ ♯

As the last contestant, hopped onto the satge, it’s time for group photos or should I say #groupie

You can check out what these champions have to say about their website and OMYSBA here: in this short clip:

Taken from OMY News

As the ceremony come to an end, it’s lunch time!

Before we go, each of us receive this goodie bag.

You can check out the full list of winners here:

Thanks to OMYSG for the experience!

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