Of Fries And Never Lower Your Standards

By Offriesandmen @offriesandmen

Today I threw away a box of French fries. No, not an empty box. A box-full of uneaten French fries. Yup, that box is now in the trash can. And no, ‘trash can’ is not a nickname for my fridge :D

I’ve been eating healthy these days and decided I would reward myself with fries today. I waited with excitement for my fries to be ready, and finally the box of fries – which felt like a box of treasure – was handed to me. I sneaked my fingers inside the box, took out one fry, and put it in my mouth.

It was.. hmm..

Well, it wasn’t horrible.

But it wasn’t that great either.

I sneaked out another piece of fry and took a bite, anticipating that it would taste better. But it only confirmed my first reaction.

Don’t get me wrong, the fries weren’t bad – they were edible. And if this was a few months ago, I would have added some sauce & finished the whole box anyway.

But I guess I love my body a bit more now, and I’ve been making an effort to be healthy. So if I’m going to allow JUNK to go in my body, it better taste so bloody amazing that it makes my tongue go to heaven! There’s no way I’m going to lower my standards and make do with just ‘edible’ fries.

Which reminds me of something my sister always says (in fact she just said it again today):

Don’t ever lower your standards. Not even one bit.

Obviously she didn’t mean it in the context of fries :P But I’m sure will be happy to know I’m also applying her wise words towards men & dating.

It’s been a series of dateless weekends for me, and well, there are guys I could probably meet just to fill my Friday or Saturday nights. But I guess I love myself a bit more now too, and I’d rather spend my weekends alone than spend it with someone who isn’t bad, but just ‘isn’t that great’.

So here I am, it’s 10 PM on a Saturday night, I’m sitting on my couch, in my pj’s, eating oranges for dinner. And I couldn’t be happier about it :)