October Training Report

By Lifeasarunningmom @RunningMom6
Happy November 1st and I am beyond proud of myself for sitting down with y'all to talk about October training. Woo-hoo for being on top of things! Which is ironic since October was a CRAZY month for this running mom with a week off for fall break (yep, darling daughter has fall breaks from school), my birthday, a rally where I was one of the speakers, travel to a neighboring island for said rally, raising money for Save the Children, and more.
I am so happy for November to be here!!! Okay, at least for now but I just looked at the calendar and realized there is no rest for the weary. This month looks equally as crazy but I am determined to log more miles and work my butt off in a very good way.
I wrapped up October with 102 miles. My longest run was a half marathon but I had some nice 10k's in the mix and the end of the month saw some amazing paces and splits. All wonderful stuff in my book! The mileage brings me to 1,079 miles for the year and 7,618 streak miles. I am not at my highest mileage months or years but I am okay with that since I am working out much more with cross training.
For cross training, I wrapped up another round of 21 Day Fix and delved into Insanity Max 30; however, to be completely honest, the final full week of October was a just run week with the rally, travel, and a huge dose of emotional stuff for me to work through that became a priority. It was refreshing to have this week to re-cement the foundation of my training because this momma has tons on her plate of things that matter and sometimes priorities shift. I would rather make small changes than to completely crumble, wouldn't you?
On Saturdays I have also been tossing in some dance time and have been enjoying Country Heat. This is a definite win-win for my training because the dance moves are fun and lower intensity and allows my body to do a nice recovery workout after longer or faster runs and five days of insane workouts with Shaun T but to be honest, I am LOVING becoming a sweaty mess and the workouts are reaping rewards as I see and feel myself growing stronger physically and mentally....even with me taking a mental, emotional week off of cross training. Knowing that I was doing the best that I could do in that moment, pushing myself to the max in that moment, and following my calling for that week is a great feeling.
In training and life, it is crucial to accept where we are while still striving to be better us and just by giving myself a break here and there, I am being kinder to myself than in past years where I would have been guilt ridden and turned to comfort food.
And since we are talking food, I am still eating according to my eating plan as best as I can. Travelling and eating by plan was a bit challenging this past week due to what was offered at the places we were at but I feel I did pretty good. And being dairy free makes it easy to say no to the many candies, cookies, and cakes but I did make some nice vegan treats for my birthday and Halloween that I indulged in with guests. I follow the 80/20 rule for nutrition for one main reason --- when I completely try to deny myself of something it is all I can think of and I become one cranky momma and that isn't a good momma. Plus, when your child sees you eating well and treating yourself here and there, your child learns good eating skills to last a lifetime and that matters more to me than a number on a scale.
Daily Gratitude: I am thankful I broke 100 miles in October.
Daily Bible Verse: Pray that the Lord your God will tell us where we should go and what we should do. Jeremiah 42:3