October Networking Challenge Announcement

Posted on the 11 September 2012 by Classycareergirl @classycareer

You know I networked like crazy in 2011 in my 4X4 networking challenge and met with 48 people I didn’t know and 48 people I did know.  And in 2012, I am interviewing successful business women over Skype and sharing the videos with you!  Well, there is something missing this year…. because I didn’t challenge myself to network like crazy each month like I did in 2011, I am not networking at all. I know!  It’s bad.  I am doing speaking engagements and blogging about networking and I haven’t been networking myself!  So I am coming clean and telling you that I am not perfect and I have definitely been taking a little break.  But, now it is time to get back to it!

Ready for it?

I am going to start another 4X4 networking challenge in October!  I figure by then a few of my work projects will be ending and I will have a little more time on my hands (hopefully, that never really happens though right?:) Not only that but until then I have plenty of time to prepare to make my month of networking like crazy a success. And I will be sharing my experiences with you which means that I have to do it. That is the reason that I was successful in 2011, because you all kept me accountabile and you were always checking in and making sure that I kept up my challenge throughout the whole year.  Thank you!

But, there is going to be something different about this challenge!

I have this idea.  Here and there I have been getting emails from people who are taking the challenge.  I have heard from other bloggers who are taking the challenge and even blogging about it!  I think that is SO awesome and I am so glad that I have encouraged others to start reaching out in order to achieve their dreams and goals.  But, I feel there is so much more encouragement and support that I can do.  So if you are reading this and know that you need to get your networking butt in gear, I want you to join me in October.  I wanted to put this little idea in your mind early so that you can think about it and mentally prepare yourself to start networking like crazy once October comes along.  Exciting, huh!! I really hope you will join me and we can do this together!

If you want to join my October networking challenge, just leave a comment below with the people that you are going to meet in October.  If you want to go big, make a list of 4 people you don’t know that you would like to get to know and 4 people you do know that you would like to get to know even better.

If you are just starting out networking and you think I am crazy for meeting with 8 people, try 2-4 instead!  And remember, networking events count because you can turn those connections into future networking opportunities!

Planning My October Meetings

The most important part of growing your network is planning ahead.  So you have plenty of time before October hits.  Write down the people that you want to meet.  Here is who I am meeting:

4 People I Don’t know But Would Like To Get To Know

  1. Career Development Manager where I got my Undergraduate degree (To brainstorm speaking opportunities for Fall:)
  2. College Students at UC Merced – I am traveling there to speak in October and hoping for lots of opportunities to meet new people!
  3. Young Professionals Meetup group – I have been wanting to go to this event for a long time.  It’s on the calendar now and I am not going to miss it!
  4. TBD – Still thinking about who this last special person will be!

4 People I Do know But Would Like To Get To Know Better

  1. A woman who I connected with a few years ago and I haven’t gotten in touch with since.
  2. Friend from my MBA program
  3. Previous co-worker
  4. A family member who I haven’t talked to in months

 Who’s on your list?  Leave a note in the comments with the people you are going to catch up with in October!