Obesity Diet for Kids That Always Works

By Rojer @healthxwellness

Healthy eating means eating a wide variety of nutritious foods. Healthy foods contain all the energy, minerals, vitamins and fiber you need to grow.

Obesity in kids is dangerous because this makes them prone to diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and sleep disorders. Childhood obesity can also result in poor self-esteem and depression. Obesity may be the accumulation of unnecessary fat within the body and treating obesity in kids is really a difficult task. Improper diet, unhealthy lifestyle, eating habits and heredity are few reasons for obesity in kids.

One of the best ways of reduce childhood obesity is to improve the diet and workout habits of your entire family. Treating and preventing childhood obesity helps protect the health of your child now as well as in the future. A healthy and nutritious diet might help cure obesity in kids.

Obesity Diet Plan for Kids

Children require a healthy, balanced diet that gives them enough energy to develop and develop. This means that children usually have to take in more energy than they use and this extra energy forms new tissues because they grow. However, if children regularly consume too much energy, this is stored as fat and they’ll put on excess weight.

Healthy breakfast

Breakfast is easily the most important meal of the day, hence it is recommended that kids with obesity could have a bowl of cereal with skimmed milk. Add fruits like apple/ banana to really make it tasty. Finger Millet/ragi porridge is a very healthy and nutritious breakfast choice for obese kids.


Children’s diets also require protein. Lunch or dinner is an opportunity to provide lean proteins such as tuna, turkey or boneless skinless chicken. Lunches may contain turkey sandwich on wheat bread with mustard, not mayo, and lots of vegetables like lettuce and tomatoes.

A good source of protein and unsaturated fat is peanut butter. Pair a peanut butter sandwich with carrot sticks and celery for another healthy lunch. Wholegrain pasta with tomato sauce and homemade soups and stews are healthy and engaging dinner options with the added benefits kids need including whole grains and vegetables.

Healthy juices

Replace carbonated drinks with healthy fruit juices like orange, watermelon, papaya, apple and grape. A glass of juice every morning alongside breakfast can also be recommended for kids with obesity.

Push Veggies

Most children detest eating veggies being that they are bland. So, an ideal way to feed veggies is always to stir fry them or make soups, salads and wheat grains pastas for them. Ideally an obese child can consume a bowl of stir fried veggies like broccoli, carrots, beans and spinach with onion for supper. A tuna sandwich is another great option. Greek yogurt is have less fat and has the highest protein content. A cup of greek yogurt may also be added in the obese kid’s diet.


Two slices of wheat grains bread with cucumber, tomato and onion minus cheese constitutes a low fat and filling snacking. A cup of either orange, watermelon, or peach juice may also be consumed sans sugar. Use honey rather than sugar.

Obesity Diet for Kids


Desserts are traditionally related to sugar and fat. However, not all sugars and fats are unhealthy, such as natural sugar and unsaturated fats. Feed children natural sugars as found in fruits. As an added incentive, make fruit visually appealing by creating fruit kabobs or perhaps a colorful fruit salad. Ice cream and cake are traditional desserts which needs to be offered on a seldom basis instead of daily. Gelatin and frozen yogurt are yummy desserts which fewer calories and fat as well.