Obesity ‘Biggest Threat to Women’s Health’ in England

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Obesity is the biggest threat to women's health and the health of future generations. This according to England's chief medical officer Dame Sally Davies:

BBC: Obesity 'biggest threat to women's health' in England

She has the right ideas - changing the disastrous food environment. The only problem is talking about giving the food industry yet another chance to change first.

First of all - the food industry has had plenty of time already (decades). Secondly, it doesn't matter how much time they get - they can't change by themselves. Any company or executive that tries to do the right thing by themselves will immediately lose market share or get fired.

The food industry can only change due to changing demand from consumers - or legislation. The situation is serious enough that we need both.

The problem is too big to just talk and wait for someone else to do something.