Oberto All Natural Beef Jerky A High Protein Choice

By Matthewspuzzle @matthewspuzzle

Disclosure: I was provided with a free sample of Oberto Beef Jerky. Opinions are my own.

When I first met my husband I was under the (false) assumption that a high carbohydrate diet was the way to go. I ate cereal, bagels and toast for breakfast and by 10:00 AM my blood sugar was crashing so hard I got the shakes. I had enough knowledge to be dangerous know that my sugar was dropping but I would make the wrong choice and grab a soda, juice or a candy bar to raise my blood sugar level and start the cycle all over again.

Along came my husband who had a been into weightlifting and was well versed in a high protein diet. He suggested I drop the carbs and start eating more protein. Wow, what a difference it made. No more shakes, no more being hungry at 10:00 AM, and no more headaches.

My husband is ALSO a huge fan of beef jerky. I think before I met him I had never tried good beef jerky. I might have had that one you used to buy at the 7-11, but nothing decent. He introduced me to the protein packed beef goodness.

I tried Oberto All Natural Beef Jerky and there are a few things that really stand out to me about this particular product. First, Oberto offers both their Original Beef Jerky and their Teriyaki Beef Jerky in 1.5 oz snack size bags. This is the perfect size to slide into by purse and carry on trips with the kids. I am always running around and I need a quick, high protein snack to keep me level. The Original Beef Jerky 1.5 oz bag is only 3 Weight Watchers points so it fits into my diet easily. Second, I ♥ that Oberto keeps their jerky pieces small. I suffer from TMJ and have a hard time chewing tough foods, which beef jerky can be. Oberto keeps the beef tender and easy to chew. I even give my little ones Oberto Beef Jerky and they have no trouble at all.

Oberto also offers a 3.25 oz bag which you can reseal if you by chance don’t happen to eat it all in the first sitting. Depending on the variety Oberto Beef Jerky has between 13 and 17 grams of protein. The Original flavor is gluten free and both are 97% fat free.

Do you love beef jerky as much as we do?