
By Rubytuesday
My life is pretty much ruled by numbers so I thought I would do a post dedicated to them
Are you like me?
Do numbers feature heavily in your life?
Answers on a postcard please.......
43:  Weight in Kilos
81/50:  Blood pressure today
77: Pulse

8:  Cups of tea I drink every day
30:  Number of mls of methadone I take every day

7.5:  Number of mgs of olanzapine I take every day

15:  Number of mgs of mirtazapine I take every day
60:  Number of minutes I walked with my dogs today

9.67:  Price of my groceries today
1: Amount of pages of my book I wrote today
3:  Number of times I purged today
12:  Number of cigarettes I've smoked
70:  Cost of the dress in euros I wore today
2:  Number of enemas used today
4:  Number of appointments I had this week
16:  BMI
7:  Amount of kilos I've lost in the last 3 months
2: Number of naps I've had today
8:  Number of hours I slept last night