Novanata: Crescendo

Posted on the 30 May 2013 by Hctf @hctf

Novanata is a project by Milan based multi-instrumentalist Manfredi Lamartina. His new full-length Crescendo sounds pretty lo-fi, with plenty of static and off-the-shelf drum beats. Still, it makes captivating listening - the repetitiveness of his compositions is its weak spot and its strength. Shoegaze ambient EDM that will find its way to underground dance afterparties. All songs are instrumentals, except Get your fire, featuring singer Herself (Gioele Valenti), and Friburgo, with a vocal spot for Nazarin.

Crescendo is a self-released album. Buy it (pay-what-you-want) from his website.

  1. Le persone perbene soccombono
  2. Get your fire (feat. Herself)
  3. My love, a fast emotion
  4. A door
  5. When you doubt yourself
  6. Ogni strada davanti
  7. Friburgo (feat. Nazarin)
  8. Abbi cura di me
  9. Pierpaolo Faggiano

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