NOTD : Republic Day

By Anupamapnb @divallista
Hey Plummies!Today I'm going to share a step by step Republic Day Nail Art tutorial, which is fuss-free, gorgeous yet simple look. The nail art features all the three colors of our tricolors in dots on a milky white base. 

NOTD : Republic Day

NOTD : Republic Day

Make sure to file and buff your nails before painting them. Apply a clear base coat to ensure better adherence of the nail paint.

NOTD : Republic Day

You'll need

  • Top Coat/Base Coat (Rimmel London 5 in 1 nail treat)
  • A milky white nail paint (Maybelline Color Show Nail Color ~ Porcelain Party)
  • A orange nail paint (Lotus Herbals Color Dew Nail Color ~ Orange Alert)
  • A deep blue nail paint (Maybelline Color Show Nail Color ~ Denim Dash)
  • A Deep green nail paint (Maybelline Color Show Nail Color ~ Tenacious Teal)
  • a dotting too or tooth pick

NOTD : Republic Day

Step 1 : Start by applying a coat of milky white nail paint.

NOTD : Republic Day

Step 2 : Once the milky white shade nail color dries, using the back of a tooth pick or any other small round object, dot orange nail paint on the nail as shown. Step 3 : dot Deep green nail paint on the tips of the nail.Step 4 : Dot deep blue nail paint on the center forming a chakra (as seen in the tricolor).Step 5 : Repeat for all nails.

NOTD : Republic Day

Step 6 : Clean up any excess nail paint on the cuticles using a cotton bud dipped in nail paint remover for a neat finish. Step 7 : Finish off the nail art by applying a Top Coat to seal the design.

NOTD : Republic Day

NOTD : Republic Day

NOTD : Republic Day

NOTD : Republic Day 

NOTD : Republic Day

NOTD : Republic Day

NOTD : Republic Day

NOTD : Republic Day

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