Not really, according to this Investor's Intelligence chart, which indicates that MORE than 4 out of 5 people are bullish on the market – just about 9 out of 10. That means there are less people who are bearish on the market than there are dentists who recommend gum with sugar in it over Trident!
The last time sentiment was this exreme it was 90% bearish, back in the crash of 2009. Boy were those guys idiots, right? Not like us – WE'RE SMART! We would never mindlessly follow the crowd even though valuations were out of control and not at all supported by the Macro Economic Conditions that were readily observable – that would be crazy.
No, we'd never fall for that sort of nonsense because we are savvy investors, right?
As I've pointed out in previous posts, you (and your money) simply have nowhere else to go but Equities – the Central Banksters have seen to that by cutting off all other avenues of investment. So we're all here at our Equity convention and you see people buying TSLA for $220 and AMZN for $390 and NFLX for $470 and suddenly XOM at $86 seems like a good deal – even though the stuff they sell (oil) has dropped 50% in price since last year while XOM's stock is down less than 15%.
Yes, we're short. Call us the 1 in 10 bears because we went over our Short-Term Portfolio yesterday in our Live Member Chat Room and decided we were exactly as bearish as we needed to be. So far, we're right as we gained $3,000 between the review at 10:41 and the day's close but a single day does not a market make and we'll have to see how things play out today and next week.
Actually, looking at the data, it doesn't look like the Fed has too much to worry about as the average weekly earnings of Goods-Producing US Workers was $700.34 in Dec 2014 and now, in Feb 2015, it's $703.04. That's a whopping 0.38% raise for the year – what inflation? Adding in management salaries, the average goes up to $857.39 per week, up from $851.85 so 0.65% when we throw in the top brass!
Speaking of F' Yeah, it's time to put on our Dow 20,000 hats as AAPL is being added to the Dow Jones Industrial Average, replacing AT&T just one year shy of it's 100th anniversary on the index. That's rocketing AAPL in pre-market trading (we're long) and I told our Members just yesterday:
Submitted on 2015/03/05 at 3:30 pmStrong day for the Nas considering AAPL down 1.2%. That AAPL is like a coiled spring that can pop up and propel us to new highs next week.
You know when else they made a lot of changes to the Dow? In 2008, when MO and HON were replaced by BAC and CVX in February to keep up appearances in Feb and AIG was booted in Sept and replaced by KFT. That's why TA people are so silly – the Dow chart they are using today has 10 of 30 different components than it did just 7 years ago – how can you possibly draw any meaningful conclusions from that?
So, despite all this "great" news – we're going to maintain our short-term bearish stance because THE MACRO DATA SUCKS!!!
Have a great weekned,
- Phil
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