Nomination | The Versatile Blogger Award*

By Vividwinter

Here it is, finally!

I’m really kinda thrilled that I was nominated twice for the Versatile blogger award by GingerLovesMakeUp & LoveAndLipstick especially as my blog is only a couple of weeks old. I’m really sorry that I’m so late posting this, everyone else is so on the ball and there’s me dragging behind. – I’m in the middle of a move though so again, sorry.

Here are the rules:

Display the Award Certificate on your blog.

Announce your win with a post. Make sure you post a link back to whoever nominated you as a ‘thank you’ for the nomination.

Present 15 awards to 15 deserving bloggers.

Leave them a comment to let them know after you have linked them to a post.

Post 7 interesting things about yourself.

Uh, here goes….

1 | It’s kinda sad but I CANNOT leave the house without makeup.

2 | I can’t eat a slice of bread or sandwich the right way up. I have to turn it wrong side up and eat the bottom edge first. I don’t know why.

3 | I am ADDICTED to Assassins Creed, The Sims and A Song of Ice and fire. The books, the games, the HBO series, posters, figurines….         EVERYTHING.

4 | I used to play Rugby and Ice Hockey. – I was a really butch little girl.

5 | I study History and everyone thinks I’m weird because I’m really interested in the study of the Hitler, Germany and the German mindset during the atrocities of WWII. I can’t make it clear enough that this IS NOT  a weird obsession. It’s a serious issue that I’d love to learn more about with a view to one day publishing my own writings on the subject. – I am not in any way shape or form anti-German, like I said, the topic is just something I take great interest in.

6 | When I get out of University and into my own place I would absolutely LOVE a Puggle or a Pomsky puppy and a Siberian Husky.  Or all three. So cute!

7 | I dislike Christmas.

These 15 bloggers aren’t all strictly beauty related or in any particular order:

1 | – CharlotteWatsonPhotography An amazing upcoming photographer and Photography student specialising in landscapes. The only thing I can describe her stuff as is ‘Capturing the beauty of Britain’. So if you’re interested in seeing the UK is beautiful photographs… look no further – I’m kinda biased, she’s my best friend!

2 | - BeautyXYZee – Another biased choice because she’s also my best friend but Zee really is amazing. She’s currently working on her own projects and unique looks. Check out her blog for general tips and photoshoots featuring the looks she’s created.

3 | – Estycare – Marie really cares about making people feel better in the skin they have. I’ve grown up with eczema and am now starting to get acne breakouts, EstyCare has a whole host of skin care tips and best of all Marie is an Esthetician so she really does know what she’s talking about.

4 | - ThatBritishBabe - Lots of fun and cutesy DIY bits and bobs that would make any girl happy. I intend to steal a few of her ideas for my new room.

5 | – LittleBeautyBhudda – I take a lot of inspiration from our very own Bhudda – She has some really detailed skin care reviews. She also shares my love for Wayne Goss which absolutely makes my day.

6 | – GingerLovesMakeUp – Ginger makes it really easy to source affordable make-up and nail polish and gives a light-hearted run down of her purchases which is great and makes it really easy to read her posts.

7 | – Love&Lipstick – This chick really does talk about lipstick a lot and gives great tips on make-up and reviews some gorgeous stuff for us. Tammy’s also a Benefit Beauty Artist. Exciting!

8 | – WorldInpsiresYouCreate - Anastaasiia is an all around blogger. She’s taken some breathtaking pictures around Europe and also shares some scrummy looking recipes. She’s already been nominated before (I don’t expect you to do another post Anastassiia), but I just really wanted to have her in my 15 bloggers. 

9 | – GirlInTheGlasses - Lind does really REALLY in depth reviews of nail polishes, laquers, paints, glitters etc. You name it, she’s trying it. She’s also already been nominated but I really do enjoy reading what she has to say about nail art. She gives her honest opinions and that’s always appreciated.

10 |- ThePublicBlogger - There’s not much to say about this guy really, his work just makes me feel so many emotions and really stops to make you think about what he’s saying. Some of his stuff is quite deep but as a History student, I absolutely love how he uses real life issues and makes them into something we can all read and learn from. – If you’re ready, go and enter the neighbourhood.

Five blogs that I’m looking forward to hearing more from (I’ve not been on WordPress for very long):

11 | - Lulu’sBeautySpot

12 | - Vivianism

13 | – IRockFaces

14 | – TheRadList

15 | – CollegeCandy

My all time favourite blogger is ShirleyBEniang at – She isn’t one of my 15 because she already has a well established blog and YouTube channel. This is just a little side note to give all you guys that aren’t aware of her the chance to go check her out.

