No7 Perfect Blend Trio Concealer 5g

By Kelly Cakar @secondblonde

Packaged in white clamshell type simple packaging it looks appealing, you don’t ask for much from the look of concealer, it’s all about performance right? My only wish would be a little mirror inside for those emergency touch ups! The shades come in a cool pinkish tone, a cool ivory tone and a warm darker tone. You can cleverly blend to create your own colours, or (as I do) I use the cool pinkish tone for spot cover up and under eyes, and the the ivory tone of the inside corners of my eyes on each side of my nose to illuminate.

The texture is creamy and easy to work with, a brush woks well for small areas such as pimple/blemish cover up, larger areas like under eyes I find fingers work better. The creamy texture turns to a fine powdery finish so be careful not to create a caked up look!

The science bit:
Contains Vitamin E, Pro-Vitamin B5 and is hypo-allergenic.

At £9.50 for 3 concealers in one I think it’s great value for money and will last the distance. I’m looking forward to trying the darker shade out or perhaps mixing it in with one of the other shades when I have a hint of color to my completion this summer! I’ve been testing this for a while and realize it’s become one if my “must haves” in my make-up bag.