You may have seen #NoBuyJanuary on various twitter feeds. I am afraid I have the will power of a gnat when it comes to spending, and the nesting qualities of a magpie (come to me my pretties). I am very guilty of amassing a huge stock pile of products that would probably beautify and pamper an entire city for goodness knows how long.
January is always a time when many of us take stock of where we are at in our lives. This seem a good a time to take action. I already own a lot of beautiful products that are currently going unloved and are in dire need of attention. My bank balance isn't looking to healthy either especially after Christmas. When I saw Paula from Naturally Paula suggest this on twitter I knew I wanted to be part of this. See Paula's post here for suggested guidelines.
I like not having to give up my beauty box subscriptions as most of them are tied in, I am not ready to go completely cold turkey. I do however need to start making the most of what I already have, other wise what is the point of having it in the first place. Most of my upcoming posts will feature things from the stash. It is also nice from a moral support perspective. It will be good to see bloggers sharing new ideas for posts, after all that is how communities and friendships are built - it isn't always just about the goodies. The new people I have been introduced to is one of the nicest things about having a blog.
You are welcome to join us, look out for #NoBuyJanuary on twitter.