NFL Arrests Database Interesting and Fun

By Kipper @pghsportsforum
NFL Arrests Database Interesting and Fun
These are arrests and citations involving NFL players since 2000 that were more serious than speeding tickets. U-T San Diego reviewed hundreds of news reports and public records in compiling it. The list cannot be considered comprehensive in part because some incidents may not have been reported and some public records proved to be elusive. Increased media coverage of incidents also probably accounts for more incidents listed in recent years.
Using the database
Use the search box below to filter by team, position or name or just click on the title of any column of the full list to sort the database by that column. After filtering, to return to the full list, just leave the search box blank and click the submit button.
Compiled by Brent Schrotenboer and Merrie Monteagudo, U-T San Diego
Follow this link to use the database <