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Yeah, so you may remember me mentioning something about going to NYC for BlogHer'12. Well, I'm just now getting around to telling you about it. Why?? Because the conference was a B-U-S-T! Yeah. It's hard to come up with something to tell you when there just wasn't much to it. The only positive that I took away was that I now know I am doing the right thing with my blog. Hands down, without a doubt, headed the right way.
Twitter and Facebook are my friends, photography is key ( I was finally accepted over at Tastspotting AND Foodgawker within a week of returning), and you are nothing without content. Other than that I went to a bunch of sessions that were filled with panels of "big" aka I had never heard of successful bloggers. Ok, well ya know, success is in the eye of the beholder. Yeah, I just went there. For example, once we returned Melissa decided to go a completely different way with her blog, Using it to make money or earn income was not the right fit for her, so she took that problem by the horns and it headed in a great direction that I'm sure you will all really enjoy.
We all blog for different reasons. Mine is to share my faith, my love for food, and my passion for fitness (because I love food so much). If I can do that, I'm happy. If I can make some side income to feed my online shopping problem, great. If I can write a book when its all said and done, that will be a bonus. Blogging has turned into something I never even dreamed it would be. NEVER. I gave in, knowing nothing about blogging other than how to read them and I was blessed in return.
Would I go to BlogHer again? No. Would I spend a weekend in NYC with some of the best friends I have ever had? Yes. A million times yes.
Now, enjoy way too many photos for a post. :) (Click on an image to enlarge)