Happy New Year Everyone!!! I hope you all had a safe and fun New Year’s Eve. Let 2013 bring you fun, love and laughter. I have come up with 5 New Year’s Resolutions for myself. Usually resolutions are a challenge but I believe the things I have selected will be attainable.
My 5 New Year’s Resolutions:
- Drink more water – My skin has been dry and flaky the past few months. I have not been drinking as much water as I should. My goal is to drink at least 7 glasses of water per day (might not be a lot for some but got to start somewhere).
- Exercise – 2012 was a bit of a lazy year for me. I felt like I didn’t have time to exercise but if you really think about it, you can always spare an hour here or there. My goal is to go to the gym at least twice a week.
- Declutter – I’m too scared to throw away anything because there’s a thought in my head that tells me ‘one day I might need this’. I keep everything from beauty packaging to high school text books. My goal is quite small but I will throw out all my empties and packaging.
- Be more social – This is probably the hardest for me. I’m going to work on being more approachable and friendly.
- Post regularly on the blog – My goal is to post 2-3 times a week.
Tips on attaining your New Year’s Resolutions:
- Set small goals – Don’t set goals so high you can’t achieve them.
- Focus on 1 or 2 resolutions at a time.
- Commit to it – Everyone slips up but the important thing is not to give up.
- Reward yourself for goals achieved.
What are your New Year’s Resolutions for 2013?