New Year's Eve Mani

By Makeupchicliterarygeek @DoriaJM
I tried quite a few things before landing on this mani. For some reason, nothing was coming out right or it looked too much like a Christmas mani! Anyway, I'm really happy with the final results.

New Year's Eve Mani - Cult Nails Clairvoyant (2 coats) over butter LONDON Chimney Sweep (2 coats) with a top coat

I wanted to use one of my favorite 2011 polishes for my New Year's mani because there have been so many amazing colors this year! Of all of the ones I've reviewed, Cult Nails Clairvoyant has always stuck out. If you follow my blog you already know I have a weakness for flake glitter and love small businesses--check and check for Cult Nails Clairvoyant. Not to mention the fact that it's stunning and unique! I wanted to give the flake glitter in Clairvoyant (originally Unicorn Puke) a real boost, so I put it over Chimney Sweep. Also, because Clairvoyant has a sheer purple base, I did a quick swipe with some nail polish remover on a q-tip over each nail to really let the flake glitter show through. I occasionally do this with glitter polishes with tinted bases so that the glitter really has a chance to show its true colors.
Butter LONDON Chimney Sweep is a deep gunmetal shade that is lovely in my opinion (reminds me of Zoya Freja, which may have a tad more silver to it). I was originally going to put Clairvoyant over Zoya Raven, but I couldn't find my bottle anywhere! For some reason I never buy straight black polish so Raven is the closest I've come. It was super hard to capture Clairvoyant's amazing multicolored glow, but this gives you a decent idea--it's much more impressive in person.

Close Up of Cult Nails Clairvoyant over butter LONDON Chimney Sweep with top coat.

I wanted to give you guys a close-up of this mani since it's crazy in person! Isn't that gorgeous? I can't stop staring at my hands, every time the light catches my nails they flash a million glowing colors!
So there you have it! My last mani for 2011. What are you wearing on your nails tonight?
See you in the new year ;)