New Year's Eve Dotticure

By Pinkandpolished
The end of 2013 is finally here...

With the new year comes looking back upon the life we've lived the year before and new resolutions for the year ahead. Me? I have to say I'm more then ready to see 2013 go. I seem to reflect a lot around this time of year and they don't say 13 is unlucky for nothing. This year has been the luckiest unlucky year of my life (if that makes any sense ;)). 2013 has been the biggest life changing year I've had. My ex-boyfriend of 5 years committed suicide in February and that was the hardest thing I've ever had to deal with. I went from being on top of the world to having nothing. Then when I tried to make something from all of the nothing his family turned on me. There was a whole lot on my plate, and no one to help me clean it. But it made me a stronger person and through the pain I found something precious, love. I found someone who takes my pain and fears away and always knows the right thing to say when I'm feeling like the world is crushing me. He is honestly the most caring, thoughtful, and loving man I have ever met and I consider myself one of the luckiest girls alive. I'm sure you all don't want to hear the sappy ;) but there's something very special about him, he's the one who showed me how to smile and laugh again when I thought I never would. He is the one who shoved me in the right direction and inspired me to follow my dreams; dreams that lead me to getting my nail tech license and never letting me give up on this blog. He knows me, and he knows what I love most, nail polish! Speaking of nail polish, I'm sure you guys are done listening to my little reflection so let's move on to what you're here for! For my New Year's Eve manicure I wanted to do something a little different from the usual, black, gold, and silver... even though I absolutely love that combination! I've been feeling teal colors lately so I decided to switch out the silver for some teal and I haven't done a dotticure in far too long so I'm going to fit one more in before the year is finished!I started with a base of Wet'n'Wild Black Creme. When that was dry I added the dots using China Glaze Mingle With Kringle and Zoya Zuza. For my ring I made a stripe of China Glaze Mingle With Kringle down the center of my nail and lined it with Zoya Zuza on either side. Then with acrylic paint I painted "MMXIV" [2014 in roman numerals]. I top coated it all with Poshe and I'm ready to partay!! ;) 

And here's a little extra picture, just because I'm in the sappy mood ;) When my boyfriend asked me out he actually painted it on his short little nails in pink polish! He used China Glaze Pool Party, my favorite neon pink! Awwwwww ;) Excuse the poor condition of his hands, he's a diesel mechanic and this is about as clean as they get with scrubbing LOL! 

2013 has come and almost gone, I'm much stronger then I was when it started and I'm jumping into 2014 and chasing my dreams. Who knows, maybe I'll catch some this year ;) 

Thanks for always sticking it out with me guys, my blog is a source of true happiness for me and I hope that sometimes I can brighten your day too. :) 

What's your New Year's resolution?