New Year Round-Up: Top Low-Carb Diet Tips

By Carbophobic @carbophobic

Are you ready to start - or restart - your low-carb diet?

Check out this round-up of 5 most popular posts from previous years, with top tips to help you succeed.

Best of luck with your diet in 2016!

Have you just started a low-carb diet? Do you find yourself feeling exhausted and overcome by tiredness? Perhaps you are thinking that going low-carb wasn't a good idea after all...

You might already know that these symptoms are not uncommon, especially if you are doing low-carb for the first time.


Do you ever break your diet rules?

Of course you do. We all do. Why can't we stick with it?

Some think the key to success is willpower. But willpower is a limited resource. The latest behavioural research says your habits are the key.


Low-carb diets provide a way out of sugar addiction cycle.

Cutting refined sugar out of your diet for good is the only way to break the spell.

Unfortunately, it isn't easy. In the beginning, you are likely to experience major sugar cravings.


You've been on low-carb diet for a while. At first, it was great. Pounds were melting off. You were eating delicious food and not feeling hungry. The best diet ever!

But then your weight loss stopped. What went wrong? One of the common low-carb diet mistakes below might have derailed you.


How many times have you tried to lose weight? Do you find yourself starting over and over again, but always getting derailed?

Why does it keep going wrong, year after year? The key to successful weight loss is not just what you do with your body. It is all in your mind.