New Year Resolutions - 2013

By Natalieroseanne @clutzyprincess
Hey guys, we're on day 2 of our New Year and so I thought I'd introduce you to my New Year's resolutions.

I will go through my blogging resolutions and my personal ones!Blogging:1. I will blog at least 3times a week.2. I will do at least one nail post a week.3. I endeavour to do more make up posts.4. I want to introduce more fashion posts to my blog.5. I will comment on at least 1 blog a day.Personal:1. I will complete my 100 day spending ban.2. Appreciate Jamie (my boyfriend) more than I do.3. I will find a new job.4. I will go to the gym at least 3 times a week.5. I will make 2013 my year.Do you have some New Year resolutions? I'd love to read them!Natalie Roseanne <3