New World Record For Being Out Of Date Set At Rubik’s Cube Competition!

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

The Telegraph reports that hundreds of Rubik’s cube enthusiasts flocked to Poland for the European Rubik’s Cube Championships, where at least one of the competitors can solve the puzzle in an average time of 8.65 seconds.

3 Prizes We Hope Aren’t Awarded At A Rubik’s Cube Competition

1. A Pet Rock. Even the Rubik’s Cubians would find that too dated.

2. The right to ask the following question at tonight’s Presidential Candidate Town Hall debate: “I can solve this complex, rotating cube in 8.65 seconds – why can’t you solve America’s unemployment crisis in almost four years?”

3. All of the world’s unsolved Rubik’s Cubes available on eBay. “Actually, we don’t want you to convert these to boring cubes with all of the sides matching in color,” we imagine the event judge to say, “Can you convert them to iPhones instead, please? The workers at Foxconn can’t put those things together in 8.65 seconds.”